This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on Jadaliyya" series.
- What is Happening between Qatar and the GCC? A STATUS/الوضع Conversation between Bassam Haddad and Abdullah Al-Arian
- The 1967 Defeat and the Conditions of the Now: A Roundtable
- Morocco`s Hirak Movement: The People Versus the Makhzen
- Tribalism in the Arabian Peninsula: It Is a Family Affair
- Sorry I Drowned | آسف لأني غرقت
- خمس قصص قصيرة للكاتب الإسباني خوان خوسية مياس
- Reminiscing Gramsci
- أيام بلا تاريخ
- Cancer, Ethnicity, and the Bodies of Others
- Call for Targeted Academic Boycott of Turkey
- What is Happening between Qatar and the GCC? A STATUS/الوضع Conversation between Bassam Haddad and Abdullah Al-Arian
- Cities Media Roundup (May 2017)
- Political Economy Summer Institute: Two Public Events | GMU
- Bombast of Mass Slayer
- Familiar Ruptures and Opportunities, 1967 and 2017
- Reminiscing Gramsci
- Call for Targeted Academic Boycott of Turkey
- New Texts Out Now: Irene Gendzier, Dying to Forget: Oil, Power, Palestine, & the Foundations of US Policy in the Middle East
- قلب ثقيل
- أيام بلا تاريخ
- Letter to Chancellor White and President Castro Regarding the Edward Said Professorship at the California State University
- Cancer, Ethnicity, and the Bodies of Others
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (June 6)
- The 1967 Defeat and the Conditions of the Now: A Roundtable
- Quick Thoughts: Arang Keshavarzian on Iran’s Presidential Election
- Egypt Media Roundup (June 5)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (May 29-June 4)